When Slax is running, it reads system data from the device it booted from. If you're using Persistent Changes then Slax even writes data to your boot device. Unplugging or ejecting it would make the operating system crash. Due to that, you can unplug the boot device only after your computer is switched off or reboots to other operating system. Similarly, if you access your computer's hard drives while running Slax, those will stay mounted and will be marked as 'in use'. Be sure to always shutdown Slax properly, either from the shutdown menu or using poweroff or reboot commands, and always wait until the system ends.

There may be situations though when you need to unplug the boot device as soon as possible while keeping Slax running. This is indeed possible; it requires your computer to load (copy) all Slax data to RAM memory during startup, so it is accessible even after your boot device is no longer plugged in. In order to put this 'Copy to RAM' feature into action, make sure to start Slax with this boot option in boot menu. The time needed to start Slax will increase, since it will need to copy the entire /slax directory from CD or USB to your computer's memory, but then it will run Slax from there, letting you disconnect your boot device. Your computer will need at least 512 MB of RAM to hold all Slax data while still having enough free RAM for the operating system itself. Remember that even if you run Slax from memory, you have to properly shut it down when needed in order to safely unmount your hard drives (if any).

Boot parameters (also known as cheatcodes) are used to affect the boot process of Slax. Some of them are common for all Linuxes, others are specific for Slax only. You can use them to disable desired kind of hardware detection, to start Slax from hard drive, etc. To use cheatcodes, press Esc key to activate boot menu during Slax startup as usual, and when you see the boot menu, press Tab. A command line will appear at the bottom of the screen, which you can edit or add new boot parameters at the end:

from=Load Slax data from specified directory
or even from an ISO file
noload=Disable loading of particular .sb modules
specify as regular expression
nosoundMute sound on startupnosound
toramActivate Copy to RAM featureslax.flags=toram
perchActivate Persistent Changes featureslax.flags=toram,perch
textDisable starting of X and stay in textmode console onlytext
debugEnable Slax startup debuggingdebug

Separate commands by space. See manual pages man bootparam for more cheatcodes common for all Linuxes.